Tara Brown's testy interview with Professor Jordan Peterson about equal Channel 4 News' full, fiery interview with clinical psychologist and professorJordan B Peterson, whose views on gender have amassed great controversy - and a huge online following. https://goo.gl/3t4SHw Thanks for your comment Alexander, interesting stuff. Its actually a fatal problem, for a particular political view. It depends what you mean by "controlled". Peterson himself is opposed to transactional sex, or indeed any sex outside of a committed monogamous relationship. In January, Peterson discussed the gender pay gap with Channel 4 News Cathy Newman, an interview that has been watched more than seven million times online. If you "write a computer program, like a piece of software, like a billion people can use it," he said. The full memo was about encouraging women in stem not excluding them. I dont think this article is truly representative of Peterson, as his views are far more educated than you think. According to ONS data from 2015, women still perform the bulk of unpaid domestic work, including childcare, laundry and housework. Privacy policy What Jordan Peterson gets wrong about the Nordic gender paradox Other factors include womens tendency for neuroticism their likelihood to experience stress, depression and unpredictability and their high level of agreeableness, to be cooperative and compassionate. The article is an exploration of various arguments and opinions. The result being that differences are exacerbated. These different choices men and women make are at the heart of the debate over the gender pay gap. Perhaps the most worrying thought is not that Damores views may be wrong but that in writing them he committed an offense worthy of dismissal. However, the differences that do exist are large enough so that they play an importance role in determining or at least affecting important life outcomes, such as occupational choice. The latter happens to be my field, in addition to clinical psychology. a bogus segment on the Australian version of ", National Bureau of Economic Research published a study, notes Kim Parker at the Pew Research Center, who in January took on Cathy Newman of U.K.'s Channel 4 in a debate about the pay gap. She adds that Peterson was selective with the facts, and I dont agree with his conclusions, but I meet with that every day of the week. As a personality psychologist, Jordan Peterson is up on the literature surrounding The Big Five personality traits and his instantaneous command of the statistical distribution of agreeableness is, at the very least, very impressive. Not to comment on any of the rest of the article, bu the first two paragraphs under hostile workplace are ridiculous. https://goo.gl/smtUHY The best explanation, so far, for the fact of the growing differences is that there are two reasons for the differences between men and women: biology and culture. What emerged? See below for a distribution chart. . And there are going to be differences in economic outcome associated with this variance. Dr. Jordan Peterson 2019-02-24T18:52:40-05:00. The most extreme myth is that gender pay gap is a lie perpetuated by feminists who use statistics dishonestly to further their cause. In any case, I believe very strongly that Damore is being scapegoated for expressing his opinions that how HR wants engineers to staff their teams is in-congruent with the job as he understands it. Theres an abundance of research carried out using CVs. This shows that its not just agreeableness but also shyness that may be playing a role in the gender pay gap. These differences appear to emerge at puberty. Gender equality has been a hot topic in recent years, with many people advocating for equal pay and opportunities for women in the workplace. Peterson responds: Its distressing to hear that theres an acceptance of the idea that diversity can be mapped onto race and gender, especially with regard to performance there is no evidence of that [improved performance] whatsoever.. Photograph: Channel 4. Low agreeableness, introverted, mostly men go to engineering and stay there because they like it. (There is an extensive but by no means complete listing of papers relevant to this issue at the site of my interview with James Damore, the Google engineer who was fired for possessing accurate knowledge of the psychological literature). Absolutely, and Peterson says as much himself, that there are more in group differences than there are differences between groups. PART 1: SCANDINAVIA. However that doesnt mean that the pay gap exists because of gender. But the results of the IAT have not been shown to predict behavior. Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo posted an image along outspoken and controversial Canadian author Jordan Peterson on his Instagram account over the weekend. The only thing that needs more emphasis by Peterson and others is the destructive power of three generations of pornography. Empathy has no place in engineering. (Not just Peterson, this has been observed by others as well, not least of all by an ex diversity hire by Apple. HR is in a tough spot with the mobs of social justice ideologs tearing companies apart damore was a witch hunt. That's the message Jordan Peterson tried to get across when speaking to "60 Minutes." Im concerned in Australia about the unconcious bias of having HR departments almost exclusively occupied by women. https://goo.gl/mmdShw As a male software engineer, Ive certainly been on teams that lack individuals with the strengths that women tend to have more of, but its hard to say what the proper ratio of empathetic individuals vs mechanically-minded individuals on an engineering team is. The violent reaction to Peterson, and to Shapiro and others with conservative values establishes who defends civilization and who would tear it down. Like the Universities, HR is a corrupt institution, which is actively working for the destruction of Western Civilization. Weve already seen that in Scandinavia. Over the last few weeks, I have been in Oslo, twice; Helsinki, twice; Stockholm, twice; and Copenhagen, once. Similarly, when Peterson recently argued about women's rights with a Channel 4* interviewer, he tried to make the pay gap debates sound a lot more complex than it needs to be, insisting that we . Visiting the sins of the parental peoplekind on the children peoplekind simply leads to more divisiveness in politics, on campus and in society at large, as is now happening in Canada as governments go down this path that Wild and many others interviewees laud. Peterson may have reservations about one method the IAT but that doesnt mean bias doesnt exist. The tide is turning. And there is a major but. And I think thats partly, because of the foreshortened time-frame that women have to contend with. Why Jordan Peterson is Wrong About the Pay Gap - LinkedIn The professor pay gap February 2, 2018 One of the many things University of Toronto Prof. Jordan Peterson (pictured above) and TV interviewer Cathy Newman talked about recently in their now-famous-on-YouTube discussion on Britain's Channel 4 was the male-female wage gap. Jordan Peterson on Gender Pay Gap - The Online Scholar Fact Check Using Iceland as a model, since just this year pay equality became a legal requirement there (businesses with more than 25 employees must now have government certification to prove their equal-pay policies), "60 Minutes" suggested the rest of us adopt Iceland's new policy. Maybe he was just ignoring rubbish based pseudo-science. Seems there is an extreme reluctance to face some brute facts about the clear differences between men and women and their preferences when making work/life decisions. Practitioners, he adds, need to be aware of the risk that CEOs will tune into the Canadians ideas and want to know why HR is wasting all this money. This seems to be a direct challenge to the idea that increasing diversity enlarges the pool of available talent, and so has a positive effect on the bottom line as well as being fairer. Peterson did not say that "the market is 80% controlled by women." on: function(evt, cb) { Women are generally more agreeable than men and therefore do not negotiate as aggressively, leading to lower paying wages for similar jobs. A response to Professor Jordan Peterson's explanation of the gender pay gap Lets be clear: are we doing this for business or for moral reasons?. Where is the diversity in the public services. One of them is the difference in personality (agreeableness) and part of it is also prejudice. The Gender Scandal: Part One (Scandinavia) and Part - Jordan Peterson Browse all HR topics When both full and part-time employees are included in the calculation, the gender pay gap widens after the age of 30. Why Jordan Peterson is wrong about the gender pay gap Engineering is mostly about problem solving and logical thinking. I think he is describing health care. But facts is facts, Im afraid, and no amount of neo-Marxist leftist postmodern suggestion that social science is a patriarchal construction is going to make the ugly truth disappear: Men and women are similar. Peterson seems to assume that the status quo will remain the status quo. https://goo.gl/z1JVeV Jordan Peterson is here to explain the gender pay gap to the media But if you walked into a roomful of people everyone of whom had been selected to be the most aggressive person out of a 100 almost every one of them would be male. } If you minimize the cultural differences (as you do with egalitarian social policies) then you allow the biological differences to manifest themselves fully. Jordan Bernt Peterson (* 12. . Hi Fausto, author here. sometimes, in order to achieve equality, its necessary to be unfair thats because much inequality derives from past unfairness.. I would be alarmed if the HR community felt the need to close him down just because he is saying things they dont like. How we do this is where the crux of the debate is. But paying women less is inevitable, because there are inherent differences between men and womens labour: the primary one being childcare. Men and women are not the same and wont be the same, but that doesnt mean women shouldnt be treated fairly (Jordan Peterson), Sheila Wild, founder of the EqualPayPortal and former Director of Employment Policy at the Equal Opportunities Commission, published a blogcritical of Newmans Peterson interview for heightening division. One of the creators, and there were only three, has completely abandoned the project, because it is being used for purposes it was not designed for. The gender pay gap does not exist because men and women are paid less for the same jobs, it exists because men and women tend to do slightly different jobs. This article was first published on Mavens, an independent publication championing women in advertising. There are also those who insist upon believing that we just havent gone far enough in our egalitarian attemptsthat even Scandinavia and The Netherlands, arguably the worlds most egalitarian societies, are still rampantly patriarchal but that doesnt explain why the sex differences have grown, rather than shrunk, as those cultures have become demonstrably more equal in social policy. About us We all remember that our current Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, decided early on when he formed his government to make his cabinet 50% women, because it was 2015. And he got a hall pass for this, no doubt because of his boyish charm and modern mien. This should be done by someone not performing appraisals. **As always, should we become aware that Jordan has changed (or added to) his opinion or should new evidence be submitted that we have either misconstrued his opinion or failed to include important statements from him, we will 1) make the correction, 2) note the correction here, 3) issue a mea culpa that attempts to explain and improve on how we missed this. Equality is a dishonest notion because those who use it do so to deliberately avoid distinguishing between equality of outcome (which is their real objective) and equality of opportunity, which is what normal, sensible reasonable people support. Why is this even a controversy? Gender pay gap figures: debunking the myths Would the differences between men and women be larger or smaller in wealthier countries? This is a big problem particularly if the goal of such egalitarian policies was to minimize the differences between men and women. Jordan Peterson debate on gender pay gap, etc Jordan Peterson is a psychology professor who has strong opinions on what is going on in the current Western society. However that doesnt mean that the average I.Q. versaillesplus.com Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Had you asked any group of social scientistsleft-wing, centrist, conservative (if you could find them)30 years ago Will egalitarian social policies in wealthy countries produce men and women who are more similar or more different? it is a certain bet that the majority would have said more similar. And, to some degree, that has happened. Features list 2023, 2011 - 2023 DVV Media International Ltd, published a blogcritical of Newmans Peterson interview, interviewing him at length on his YouTube channel, accused the company of discriminating against white conservative men, Yonatan Zunger, who responded to Damores manifesto i, https://www.chronicle.com/article/Can-We-Really-Measure-Implicit/238807, https://gynocentrism.com/2018/03/03/jordan-peterson-on-psychological-differences-similarities-between-the-sexes/, General Medical Council vows to tackle bias, STEM returners project receives government backing. It is the existence of children, not sexism, that creates the gender pay gap. Jordan Peterson - Wikipedia At other times youll work on a project alone and then discuss what youve designed with colleagues. Petersons philosophical positions informed by thinkers such as Jung, Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche have led him to question many contemporary HR policies. Using an unfair solution to create equality will cause more division. } cooperation and collaboration are of course essential, but not so much once a jab has been parceled out to the various individual contributors. Jordan peterson debates gender pay gap - YouTube One of the first things I (and, I'm sure, he) noticed after about a month is that John is always at his desk, but I am not. This allowed for many socioligical variables to be kept consistent. Thank you for this porn is something I am very concerned about too and it seems to be the elephant in the room (not wishing to insult elephants), its negative effects are too often just ignored or brushed under the carpet. Those differences are a good thing. That is simply not a reasonable solution. However that does not mean we need unnecessarily vilify him. event : evt, We cant distinguish stereotyping from perceptual habit.. Petersons main argument is simple: Science itself is immoral. He. They have wildly different sexual psychologies that lead to different choices, both in love and in work. Watch on. | jordan peterson t.co 3ydqbsuaeh". I picked up on that as well. These could have been the words of Peterson himself: so its unsurprising when Damore acknowledges he is a big fan of the professor. In short, he is saying that correlation does not mean causali. These are not small-scale studies (heres another, equally recent). Only 26% of the elected MPs in Trudeaus government were women. But cooperation is not the core of engineering. And thats why the information that I publicized in Scandinavia caused a scandal that continues to reverberate. J. Andrew Dykens. He says:The HR equity people are mucking about with peoples unconscious bias. Since when did my employment come not just with a paycheck but thought policing? We have no responsibility or desire to be an apologist for Jordan Peterson on any issue. Women are higher in negative emotion, or neuroticism. Tens of thousands of people have participated in them. According to the Institute for Women's Policy and Research (IWPR) and the American University of American Women, U.S. women working full-time earned just $0.80 for every dollar earned by a man in. It reported that "women still make only $0.79 for every. 30 best Jordan Peterson quotes on gender, feminism and religion Well attempt to unpack his arguments about the gender pay gap, and the literature surrounding the gender pay gap all while attempting to keep a certain level of objectivity. In other words, a company can instill all the policies it wants, but it can't make people do what they don't want to do. Shared parental leave (SPL) was introduced in 2015 but only 3.5% of eligible families chose it in 2018, according to research by telecoms company PowWowNow. Social work and nursing are all about those. By selecting 50% of his cabinet from 26% of the pool of available candidates, Prime Minister Trudeau abdicated his responsibility to rank-order all of his elected officials by competence (which could have been done by blind, multi-person rating of their resumes, including education and accomplishments) and staffing his cabinet from the most qualified person downward. Overall, it's a level headed and fact-based opinion. I would expand on this by taking away anything that could identify age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation (why one would include some categories in a CV , who knows). As might be expected, Peterson is not a fan of the growing desire to test and train in the area of unconscious bias. I didnt get the job. https://goo.gl/SQP1si, Thank you. We should just treat individuals as individuals all different and all with strengths, weaknesses, foibles and idiosyncrasies. Is Jordan Peterson's offence to the transactivist community a lesser one than that of leading feminist voices? In his interview with "60 Minutes," Peterson points out that not only do women work fewer hours than men, they choose different careers. STEM Gender Equality Paradox Study Gets Correction - BuzzFeed News This article provided no such evidence (even some kind of evidence), just comments from people that get paid to assume the contrary conclusion to Peterson. With a vast online audience for his views, the sector needs to respond with hard facts and strong arguments, writes Adam McCulloch. Many of the contributors here did not say Peterson was completely wrong. Where are the largest differences? Who is Jordan Peterson? - gotquestions.blog I dont think its about disproving claims but more about presenting how many different factors there are in all this. My employer need only be concerned with how much of that I bring to work. The data shows eight in 10 companies pay male employees more, and some companies pay the men twice as much as women on average. Although the distribution of unpaid work is a broad societal issue, there is much that individual companies can do. As one commenter (Peter Wright) on this thread says Peterson acknowledges. The linguist isnt particularly fond of his fellow social scientist. The RAD Awards Source: www.youtube.com Cathy Newman however wants to shoehorn Peterson into an extreme position. To make important, difficult decisions properly, competence is necessary. Very sad. In the last lecture, in Helsinki, it was Finlands Fathers Day, so I talked about masculine virtue. This seems to be the most likely to generate the desired gender ratios, but at some point one would wonder whether there is some core function of engineering that is being neglected in pursuit of being diverse. The only facts in this article are contained in the quotes attributed to Dr. Peterson. Men and women are essentially equal in their intelligence, and they differ very little in conscientiousness (which is the second-best predictor of success, after intelligence). Last year, Petersons criticisms were thrown into sharp relief by the debate over Google software engineer James Damore, who had attacked the internet giants flawed diversity agenda. Kandola questions Petersons understanding of core issues. He amplifies Bhayanis point that testing without action is pointless, adding that fairness has become an important goal: Fairness means a lot. It just seems sensible if our goal is to identify the best people. Gender Wage Gap: The Truth About The Gender Pay Gap Australia I chose to have a 15 year career break, and consider I was fortunate to be in a position to do so. If women do not try to negotiate for better pay aggressively, and are therefore not getting the pay they deserve then a gender pay gap exists. We all understand fairness, or think we do, but very few of us understand equality. For example, in cases where test results for an individual show significant bias, a lot of one-to-one support may be required to help the individual deal with processing the test outcomes.. Are you afraid your arguments wont hold up in a dialectical discussion? Jordan Peterson's view on the gender pay gap is that it's real and it's the consequence of many different variables. They say he has failed to take account of the historical changes in gender roles or business and employees desire for fairness through equality of opportunity. Its not just the hard cash costs of diversity officers and these programs nor the losses theyll face when they lose in court its the insane distraction of counting colored faces and skirts vs pants that is a terrible waste of energy that moves nothing forward at all. CONTROVERSIAL clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson claimed the gender pay gap is "unsolvable" and "deadly" in a 60 Minutes interview. He also works for a national newspaper and is the author of KentWalksNearLondon. Scandinavians appear particularly interested in what I am saying. University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson had enough of what he saw as a campus culture where "social justice warrior, left-wing radical political activists" ran rampant. >> CEOs will tune into the Canadians ideas and want to know why HR is wasting all this money. of Asians. According to Rob Briner, professor of organisational psychology at Queen Mary University of London, Peterson makes several points that HR leaders should heed. Those are in ineradicable differences. That statistic is from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), who are tasked with promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces. Alex Stein took to the street to try and solve the most important problem of our time: the OnlyFans gender pay gap. Professor Binna Kandola, partner at occupational psychology consultancy Pearn Kandola, goes further: Peterson has a myopic view of research and uses it selectively for his purposes.. Increasing globalisation means more co-operation.. (NewsNation) Working women made 82 cents for every dollar earned by men in 2022, according to research from the Pew Research Center, a rate that's . In an interview with Channel 4s Cathy Newman, Jordan Peterson said these innate differences explained why the majority of nurses are women and the majority of engineers are men. Skeptic The Michael Shermer Show Jordan Peterson & Michael Shermer Well, the traits mentioned here certainly have relevance to the success of a TEAM, but its hard to see how they specifically have to do with the discipline of engineering.