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Multan Electric Power Company

Blacklist MEPCO Policy


In pursuance of Rule-19 with Rule-2(1) of Public Procurement Rule – 2004 (Amended to-date). The criteria for blacklisting and debarment of suppliers & contractors doing business with MEPCO is reiterated hereafter to eliminate the unfair trade practices for transparent, economical, fair and eilicient procurement process so that the value of money is achieved.

The Debarment / Blacklisting is one of the most effective tools used in the struggle against ineficiencies and corruption in connection with public procurement. In addition, it serves as major deterrence against any material breach of contract and further ensures the timely delivery of material / services by holding delinquent supplier/ contractor/ consultant/ individual / firm(s) including JV bidder accountable. The detail of Rule-19 & 2(0) of PPRA Rule-2004 (Amended to-date) is as under:

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